Sunday 20 May 2012

A New Life Beckons: Harbull's growing despair

'So... this is what a rich Man's chambers looked like', Harbull thought to himself... 'quite fancy, quite ornate... not altogether comfortable though... kind of cold actually... and too darn big!'
Harbull hadn't noticed a kitchen on the way in...
... and there was no platter of fruit...
... nor was there a platter of cheese... or buns... or a scrap of anything to eat anywhere in the room.
Harbull's stomach grumbled at the circumstances that had already denied him two breakfasts and were hurrying to threaten his early lunch as well... and now with so many more mouths to compete with...
They'd passed more than one acceptable pie vendor along the way here... it would have only paused them a moment to have a taste or two...
How was anyone expected to make important decisions on an empty stomach? ... how could any deal be brokered without a shared meal?
But no one else seemed to be asking where the fruit was...
Instead there was some blather about magic rocks and boxes and the Elf asked about money... this gave Harbull pause to wonder, 'Do Elves care about money?... I thought they all had pots of gold hidden away that magically replenished themselves... '
Surely the Wattermintz woman had barged them all along before the proper meeting was ready... perhaps she had charged in the wrong door... subverted proper channels... diverted them past the greeting snacks!
Surely this man of higher circles knew his way around proper etiquettes and procedurals...
He'd noticed this about humans before though... the general lack of care they took in arranging their eating schedules... the general lack of quality victuals... and how selfish they were with their food... it had frustrated him repeatedly since he'd left the Moot...
Most of the Men he'd met so far were of lower circles... farmers, common laborers and tradesmen... and now, this Man of seemingly higher standing was carrying on with the same pattern.
He thought to himself, 'I'll bet he had HIS breakfasts... most likely alone... all to himself in a closet somewhere in this ridiculous maze!'
Among his friends back home Harbull had been considered clear-minded and of stable demeanor... but this flagrant lack of respect for proper eating was beginning to put him on edge!

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